Aims: To measure the foveal slope on optical coherence tomography in diabetic retinopathy to predict the development of sight threatening retinopathy. Materials and Methods: 154 patents were enrolled and all the subjects underwent comprehensive ophthalmic evaluation including spectral domain optical coherence tomography. Fovea thickness was calculated automatically using an inbuilt topographic mapping software Central subfield thickness (CSFT). Foveal slope in all four quadrants was calculated at a distance of 500 μm from the foveal centre. Results: Total of 154 patients were taken out of which 94(61%) were male and 60 ( 39%) were females. There was significant shallowness of average foveal slope of both right and left eye of STDR patients when compared with No diabetes, DR and NSTDR (p=.000).Temporal slope was shallowest for right eye in STDR patients (-2.74±11...01) whereas Nasal slope was shallowest (-2.42±10.98) for left eye in STDR patients. Conclusion: There was a trend of shallowness of foveal slope in all quadrants with increase in the severity of DR. Thus, sequential OCT with slope measurements may predict progression of DR as well sight threatening DR.