Introduction: Anodontia is a common developmental disturbance that requires prosthetic rehabilitation in children with the motive to improve their normal growth and development of orofacial structures, psycho-emotional social and physical growth of a child. The fixed zirconium prosthesis gives the advantage of being more strong and stable in the mouth with good esthetics and requires less maintenance.
Case presentation: 9-year-old girl with anodontia and poor oral hygiene reported to our department. She was treated first for oral hygiene and then prepared for lower zirconium fixed partial prosthesis to restore occlusion, masticatory functions and aesthetics.
Conclusion: Correct prosthetic restoration in a growing child must not in any way hamper proper growth and development of alveolar jaw bones, and eruption of permanent teeth, rather it should preserve the oral and peri-oral tissues, steer growth of permanent dentition in a most inert way.