The corona virus COVID 19 pandemic is the defining global health crisis of our time and the greatest challenge we have faced since World War Two. The virus has spread to every continent except Antarctica. We are locked down. But stopping education system for a long time is not possible. We know, Man has become omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient by dint of success of modern technology. E-learning is the child of modern technology and it has become a modern and matured platform in the field of teaching. It has become a reliable and broad path for continuing teaching learning process in this epidemic situation. Globally, the higher educational institutions are accepting E-learning whole heartedly. In this study, researcher tries to present the concept of e-learning. For this study, researcher has used documentaries and online interviews. This study shows how E-learning plays the role of effective medium of instruction in higher education system in the present context. This study also shows the principles and the different types of e learning system and also focuses on the merits and demerits of that system. Researcher has also investigated the impact of COVID 19 on education and explains expected changes on education post COVID 19.