Background: Capsule endoscopy (CE) is a useful tool in evaluating small bowel pathologies. The experience regarding the diagnostic efficiency of OMOM capsule 2 (Jinshan Science and Technology Company, Chongqing, China) in tropical countries are limited. There is controversy regarding the use of capsule endoscopy in resource poor tropical countries.
Methods: This was a prospective observational study conducted during a 24-month period from January 2015 to December 2016. The aim was to evaluate the diagnostic efficiency of OMOM capsule 2 (Jinshan Science and Technology Company, Chongqing, China) for various indications such as obscure GI bleed (OGIB), chronic diarrhea, and abdominal pain. A total of nineteen patients were included among which nine were for obscure GI bleed, one case of unexplained abdominal pain and remaining nine patients were for chronic diarrhea.
Results: Abnormal findings were noted in six out of the nine patients (66.7%) with OGIB and chronic diarrhea respectively. Findings in patients presenting with OGIB included two cases of angioectasia, two cases of hookworm infestation, one case of small bowel ulcers and one case with two lesions which were angioectasia with jejunal ulcer. The remaining three cases had a normal study. CE findings in patients with chronic diarrhea were two cases of intestinal lymphangiectasia, one case with features suggestive of intestinal villous atrophy with scalloped valvulaeconniventes and later diagnosed as tropical sprue, one case of celiac disease with persistent symptoms despite gluten free diet on CE had ulcero-jejunitis. Crohns disease and strongyloidiasis were the other two cases diagnosed on CE. The remaining three patients out of the nine with chronic diarrhea had a normal study. Only one patient was evaluated with CE for unexplained abdominal pain and was found to have nodular lesions in duodenum confirmed on histopathology as Brunner’s gland hyperplasia with SOL in ileum probably due to extraneous impression. Further evaluation could not be done as patient refused further treatment. There were no complications noted in any of the nineteen patients
Conclusion: The OMOM capsule 2 endoscopy system is safe and has similar diagnostic efficacy as the other capsule endoscopic systems currently in use among patients presenting with obscure GI bleed and chronic diarrhea.