Evisceration and Enucleation are one of the primary treatment modalities for end stage ocular diseases resulting in total loss of function. Traumatic globe injuries are often associated with orbital trauma. We report the case of a 55 year old male who suffered a left orbital roof and medial wall fracture post fall from a roof. The fall resulted in proptosis and total loss of vision in the left eye ball. Evisceration was done and a HA (Hydroxyapatite) prosthesis was placed in situ to maintain the aesthetic outcome. The fracture was exposed through a supra-orbital incision with a modified nasal bridge extension. It was reduced and fixed with the help of 2mm titanium mesh with 2mm titanium screws. There were no immediate post operative complications. There is always a risk of development of sympathetic ophthalmia due to the nature of uveal antigens being exposed, but in this case, there was no sympathetic ophthalmia that occurred.