The coastal red sandy dunal soils of Tamil Nadu are called Theri soils. The entire Theri area is covered by thorny bushes, palm trees, spiky Trees, shrubs etc. Soil survey and Land use Organisation, New Delhi (1987) reported that the soils occurring in Theri lands suffered by surface crusting and surface droughtiness, poor moisture retention and rapid drying are the major problems that are associated with theri soils because of the low organic matter content, low exchangeable bases and the sandy Soil erosion, water logging, salinity and alkalinity, sand dunes, floods and other manmade factors bring about degradation of land resources. Now it is not suitable for agriculture and it is considered as a waste land because of its sandy texture and unfavourable topography. The present investigation is undertaken to study the effect of organic manures like Poultry Manure and Goat Manure on developing the fertility status of Theri soil to improve the agriculture production. This study tests for the changes of physical properties through the addition of organic manures and aims in describing relationship among the soil physical properties such as bulk density(BD), Particle density (PD), Water holding density(WHC), Pore space (PS), Hydraulic conductivity (HC), Thermal Conductivity(TC), Volume Expansion(VE) of the soil through various methods. Physico-Chemical properties like Electrical conductivity (EC), Potential of Hydrogen (pH) and Chemical properties namely NPK, Organic Carbon(OC) are also studied.