For the evaluation of the groundwater irrigation quality in lower Tamirabarani river basin, systematic samples were carried out during the month of January 2017. Fifty-eight water samples from agricultural and domestic usage wells this region. The proper equal grid methodology was adopted in the sample collection. Analyzed for major and minor ions such as EC, pH, TDS, Ca, Mg, HCO3, Cl, SO4, Na, Fe, K, NO3 and F etc., These data were assessed fi or unfit for an irrigational uses based on the various guidelines. As per the SAR and RSC classification shows that more than 70% of the samples fell under suitable for irrigational purposes. The Gibbs' outlines recommend that rock weathering and precipitation are the primary processes that contribute water chemistry. Evaporation does not have a dominating effect on groundwater quality. U.S. Salinity Laboratory diagram, Wilcox’s and doneens’s interpretation reveals that more than 70% of the samples fell under appropriate for irrigational purposes. This category was chief in the upper Tamirabharani region and it is appropriate for irrigation uses. Over view of the research work shows that the unfit groundwater samples were located in the coastal track. So it may be sea water intruded in land portion.