Based on the reality faced in the era of globalization and the advancement of science and technology, it presents a tough challenge for teachers to be able to create superior learners and able to compete in the business world and industrial world. The quality of teachers in Indonesia which is still considered very low and apprehensive needs to receive serious attention in an effort to carry out its duties and responsibilities in facing the era of globalization which is full of competition and uncertainty. The reality is that visionary teachers are needed and able to manage the learning process effectively and innovatively. Teachers need to make changes both in the field of strategy and learning model, so as to give a pleasant feel for teachers and learners called "Quantum Learning and Quantum Teaching". Moreover, perceiving the atmosphere of the learning environment as a torturous, boring, less stimulating, and monotonous environment, so that children learn in a forced and less enthusiastic. Therefore, the paradigm (mindset) of teachers need to be changed, from the traditional mindset to the professional mindset refers to the Law Teachers and Lecturers demand the figure of a qualified, competent, and certified teachers. Professional teachers are expected to face all challenges with paradigm shifts to be creative, initiative, inspiring, and innovative teachers in the effort to equip soft skill and hard skill of learners to excel, comparative, and competitive advantage.