Esthetic crown lengthening for smile enhancement and to prevent the violation of biological width: A case report

Manisha Verma., Nand Lal ., Anjani Kumar Pathak, and Mohammad Abdurrahman Khan

A harmonious smile is considered a symbol of beauty in modern society. Generally, a smileis considered pleasant when it normally exposes all of the maxillary teeth, as well as around 1mm of facial gingiva. Crown-lengthening surgery is used in combination with perio-aesthetic procedures to repair gingival asymmetries and realign the dentogingival complex. This case report presents a case of esthetic crown lengthening from central to first premolar by scalpel method. In this case, the correct execution of a restorative or prosthetic rehabilitation requires an increasing of the crown length. Procedure was performed under local anaesthesia and proved to be safe and efficient with no post-operative complication and healing was complete following 1 month.

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