Introduction: Fungal keratitis is a suppurative and sight-threatening infection of the cornea that sometimes leads to loss of the eye. Study was done to know the epidemiology and risk factors of fungal keratitis in north western Rajasthan. Methodology: In this hospital based prospective cohort study a total of 50 fungal corneal ulcer cases attending the ophthalmology outpatient department of a tertiary care center. After clinical and slit-lamp biomicroscopic examination in all suspected cases, smears and culture examination for fungus was done to establish the etiology. Demographic information and associated probable risk factors of individual cases were noted in a predesigned questionnaire.
Results: 60% patients were males and 40% females. Agricultural workers were most commonly affected and most common cause of injury was vegetative matter (40%). Aspergillus was the most common fungal species (46%). Conclusion: Ophthalmic mycosis is emerging as a major cause of vision loss and morbidity and can be life-threatening. Ocular trauma was the commonest cause of fungal corneal ulcer and Aspergillus was the commonest species responsible for it. Most of the mycotic ulcer cases come from rural areas.