Different types of chemicals are used to get rid of the attack of the different types of pest and the insects on the plants and also on the important crops are also the ways to cause the air pollution. Because the biggest problem with aerial spraying is that the pesticides being released often miss their target and damage unintended areas. The environmental impact of pesticides is often greater than what is intended by those who use them. Over 98% of sprayed insecticides reach a destination other than their target species, including non-target species, air, water, bottom sediments, and food. Aerial spraying of pesticides leads to water, air, and soil contamination, which negatively impacts human, animal, and plant health. Pesticide traces can be found in the blood of residents living close to areas where aerial spraying took place. Health impacts are neurological and dermatological. In this paper a mathematical model is developed to estimate the pollutant concentration, when it travels through the plant canopies. The present model is discussed in a field, full of crops, by dividing the whole region into three parts. On estimating the concentration of pollutant, it is observed that, the level of pollutant is much lower in foliage region as compared to non – foliage region with dependent diffusivity.