Internet and network applications are growing rapidly in this modern world. The need to secure these applications is increasing day by day. Security is one of the most challenging aspects in the communications and electronic applications. Cryptography is a way to make sure that confidentiality, authentication, integrity, availability and identification of user data can be maintained as well as security and privacy of data can be provided to the user. There are a variety of crypto systems. Of all the crypto systems available, Blowfish block cipher is the best. As of today, the Blowfish has no cryptanalysis. An effort is made to enhance the security of the Blowfish cryptography algorithm by making modifications to the Feistel (F) function by combining the Blowfish and the Game Theory’s one-shot category in Nash Equilibrium (GNE). The outcome of the proposed optimal hybrid GNE-Blowfish and the existing Blowfish algorithm are analyzed using Avalanche effect and the better performance of GNE-Blowfish is reported. GNE-Blowfish can be widely used in the field of electronics and communication which involves high level of data security.