Background and objectives: Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is a common inflammatory disease, affecting the quality of life of patients and representing an important burden for the society.The signs and symptoms of Warm-e-Tajaweef Anaf Muzmin are consistent with Nazlabarid in Unani system of medicine which depend on the involvement of paranasal sinuses. About 5-15% of the worldwide population is affected with chronic rhinosinusitis. The present study was designed to scientifically evaluate the efficacy of poly herbal Unani formulation in the management of Warm-e-Tajaweef Anaf Muzmin (Chronic Rhinosinusitis).
Methods: Pre and Post analysis interventional study without control was carried out on 29 patients after screening 87 patients. The test drug formulation contains Gul-e-banafsha, Ustukhuddoos, Asl-us-soos and Misri. Patients were advised to take it in the form of lukewarm decoction (joshanda) orally daily before meals twice a day for 30 days. All patients were assessed by subjective and objective parameters (VAS, SNOT-22 scores & X-ray PNS). The data was analysed statistically by paired proportion test and paired t test before and after treatment to assess the effect of intervention.
Results: The test drug formulation revealed statistically significant improvement in all subjective parameters (p<0.001). VAS and SNOT-22 scores also showed highly significant reduction in various symptoms and improvement in quality of life respectively with p<0.001. X-ray PNS revealed 44.8% improvement from baseline, which was statistically highly significant (p˂ 0.001).
Interpretation and conclusion: The study revealed that the test drug formulation is effective in the management of Warm-e-Tajaweef Anaf Muzmin without any side effects. Thus, it can be used as an alternate treatment it.