Background: Associations between high level of occupational dust and cardiovascular diseases have been known for more than half a century.
Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the effects of wood dusts on the electrical activity of the hearts of timber workers in Abakaliki metropolis.
Methods: 200 subjects participated in this study. 100 timber workers (test group) and 100 civil servants (control group). A questionnaire was issued to the participants to obtain some vital medical and workplace information. Signed consents forms were obtained from the participants. An electrocardiogram machine was used to examine the electrical activities of their hearts. A handheld laser dust measuring device called air sampler PCE-PCO 1 was used to analyze the quantity, quality and sizes of particulate matters present in the research area.
Data were presented as Mean ±SEM, analyzed using a 2-way ANOVA, and a multiple comparison test using Tukey's Post Hoc Test. Level of significance was set at 95% confidence interval. All statistical analyses were carried out using Graph Pad prism 7 software.
Results: Participants were within the age of 25 to 50 years. Timber workers were exposed to particulate matter 0.5, 1.0 and 2.5 µm.The result showed significant increase in the P-wave duration (P = WS 0.0001, WSL 0.0001, WL 0.0008), QTc interval (P = WS 0.0100, WSL 0.024, WL 0.041) and T axis (P = WS 0.0328, WSL 0.0419, WL 0.0126) of timber workers when compared with the control. Furthermore, significant decrease was observed in the T-wave duration (P = WS 0.0091, WSL 0.0014, WL 0.0043) and P axis (P = WS 0.0002, WSL 0.0001, WL 0.0017) of timber workers when compared with the control. Also, among timber workers, wood sawyers recorded higher QT intervals when compared with other timber workers. No significant difference was recorded in the QRS duration, QT interval, QRS axis, RV5 and SV1 amplitudes of timber workers when compared with the control.
Conclusion: Timber workers are exposed to high concentration of wood dusts that negatively influence the electrical activities of their hearts. Therefore, need to be encouraged to adopt respiratory health safety strategies like use of face mask, practice of active cycle of breathing techniques and also be educated on the wood dusts hazards by the public health workers.