Backround: Osteoarthritis is a progressive disorder of the joints caused by gradual loss of cartilage resulting in the development of bony spurs and cysts at the margin of the joints. It is also known as osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease. The major pathological changes are seen in the articular cartilage. Retro-walking is defined as walking backwards. In this initial contact occursin the forefoot, then the heel strike and propulsion occurs relatively passive shortly after heel lift. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of retro walking in patients with chronic osteoarthritisknee and also to compare the effectiveness of Retro walking and strengthening exercise programme in patients with chronic osteoarthritisknee. Study Design: Experimental study (Pre test and post test design. Procedure: 20 subjects are selected and are randomly divided into two groups, group A undergo progressive resisted strengthening and group B undergo retrograde walking. The subjects are given duration of 10 mints to retro walk at their maximum phase. The pain is measured prior to the intervention using VAS scale and disability is measured using WOMAC index for both the groups. Results: The P value of group A is 0.0025 and group B is <0.001 for VAS, therefore the result is significant. Conclusion: The study concluded that there is a reduction in VAS after performing Retro-walking for Osteoarthritis knee.