Background: Lateral epicondylitis is the most common lesion which occurs at elbow. Pain in the wrist extensor muscles at or near their lateral epicondyle origin or pain directly over the lateral epicondyle is termed as Lateral Epicondylitis. The purpose the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of myofascial release technique along with eccentric training on pain and functioning in subjects with chronic lateral epicondylitis. Method: The experimental study design of 30 lateral epicondylitis subject were selected 15 in myofascial release and Eccentric exercise, 15 in conventional group. Pain performance was measured by Numerical Pain Rating Elbow Evaluation Scale and function was measured by Patient-Rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation in 4 weeks of intervention. Results: From analysis it was found that the subjects who received myofascial release technique and eccentric exercises and subjects who received conventional therapy there is a statistically significant change in means of Numerical Pain rating Scale (NPRS) and Patient-Rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation (PRTEE) when means were analyzed from pre intervention to post intervention within the groups with p<0.000 with positive percentage of change showing that there is increase in the post means and negative percentage showing there is decrease in post means. Conclusion: Myofascial Release, Eccentric Exercises and conventional treatment are effective in chronic lateral epicondylitis than conventional therapy on reducing pain and improving function in subjects with chronic lateral epicondylitis.