Media advertising is one of the effective tools to influence the buying behaviour of consumers. There are many types of media advertising such as television, internet, radio, etc. prevailing in the Market. It depends on the company’s choice for which source of advertising they use. This paper investigates the Impact of media advertising on consumer buying behaviour. For this purpose the research had been conducted with the help of both primary and secondary database. In primary source the data is collected by the researchers own observations at different media sources. The Data is collected with the help of comprehensive literature available in the form of secondary data i.e. Magazines, Journals, e-journals, Websites, Books, and Newspapers etc. After conducting a deep review of collected data findings are presented to understand the new dimensions emerging in telecom sector. Nowadays, advertisement is considered as one of the most message medium to influence buying habit of the consumer. This study aims to answer the questions that whether the demographic background of ultimate consumer i.e. age, gender, education and occupation has a varying effect on the media preference due to advertisements. The sample of 115 questionnaires were distributed and out of these 110 responses recorded and compared. The result indicated that respondents like preferred TV advertisements have been found more popular as compared to Radio, Print and other media. Keyword: Advertisement, Consumer behavior, Newspaper/Magazine, Television, Radio.