Effectiveness of ballistic six plyometric training on serving speed of tennis players

Ujwal L Yeole., Manasi Dhamankar., Gaurai Gharote., Rasika Panse., Pournima Pawar and Shweta Kulkarni

Background: Peak performance for the overhead throwing athlete often depends on shoulder girdle strength particularly the rotator cuff. The purpose of this study is to find out the effectiveness of 6 weeks ballistic six plyometric training of rotator cuff on the serving speed of tennis players.

Methods: It was an experimental study in which 30 tennis players (males=9, females=21) aged 13-18 (mean13.661.06) years were recruited. The intervention was carried out for 6 weeks with a theraband and a medicine ball with progressively increasing training intensity using 10RM.The serving speed of the players was recorded using Radar-gun Pre and Post training.

Result: Pre-training evaluation demonstrated high correlation (r=0.8) between height of players and serving speed. The serving speed of players showed significant improvement (p<0.0001) from131.02±16.90 (pre-training) to 131.2016.93(2nd week) to 133.5816.95 (4th week) to 134.76±16.97 (6th week).

Conclusion: The Ballistic Six Plyometric trainingwas significantly effective in improving the serving speed of tennis players.

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