Background: Toilet training is the mastery of skills necessary for urinating and defecating in a socially acceptable time and manner. In many cultures, parents regard the achievement of independent toileting as a significant accomplishment and a step toward self-sufficiency. In India there are no empirical research evidence available on structured toilet training method for children. It is important to provide anticipatory guidance to all parents on different methods of toilet training of the toddlers. So a structured training programme will help the parents to be better prepared to train the child and achieve success in toilet training. The present study is aimed to assess the effectiveness of Azrin and Foxx toilet training method on the signs of toileting among children
Methods: A quantitative, experimental approach with Quasi-experimental Pre-test Post-test with control group research design was used for this study. The study recruited 114 children between 1 ½ -3 years of age and their parents using purposive sampling technique from Arekere, Bangalore. The tools for the study was developed based on the toilet training caregiver manual published by NYS Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) 1. Modified Structured questionnaire for parents to assess child’s readiness for toilet training 2. Data sheet which includes number of times child voids/defecates in toilet, diaper condition such as dry or wet, soiled and self-initiation of toileting3. A Graphsheet to track the number of accidents during baseline and intervention. The parents in the experimental group were trained to use Azrin and Foxx method of toilet training. No intervention was done for control group and the parents trained the child in the method they had adopted.
Results: In experimental group, using Azrin and Foxx method the accidents median was 5.3 in experimental and 2.9 in control group before intervention. After intervention in experimental group, the accidents median was 3.00 and in control group using Parent adopted toilet training, the accidents median was 3.1. There was significant reduction in accidents per day (p value 0.000 <0.05) and significant improvement in success per day (pvalue 0.000< 0.05) among children after Azrin and Foxx method as compared to before intervention. There was a significant association with both accidents and success and demographic variables such as age of the child, breast feeding status and initiation of toilet training by parents.
Conclusion: The study explored the effectiveness of Azrin and Foxx method of toilet training on the signs of toileting among children. Azrin and Foxx toilet training method was effective in reducing the accidents per day and improving the success per day. Therefore the study emphasizes the need for a structured toilet training program to be an essential component in parent education and the importance of anticipatory guidance to parents on appropriate age for initiating toilet training as a part of normal growth and development.