Background & Objective: In subjects with stroke quickly emerging medical signs are seen which can be focal or may be global if we consider coma and cerebral function problems that long-lasting for 24 hours and more than that. Vascular origin is the only possibility of death. Imbalance on right and left side is the major issue that causes reduction in movement even it affect posture control hence center of gravity (COG) drops and risk of fall increases. As spasticity pile up the ankle joint movement restriction may occurs regarding that balance issues increases. Whole-body vibration training (WBV) is newly launched but much evidences about its benefits are not yet proven. Hence this study aimed to find out whether whole body vibration trainingis effective on spasticity, ankle mobility, balance and QoL in subjects with stroke.
Methods: 32 subjects with stroke between 65-85years were randomly allocated into experimental group received whole body vibration training and conventional physiotherapy with balance training (n=16) and control group performed conventional physiotherapy with balance training (n=16). Outcome used were Modified ashworth scale, Ankle range of motion, Berg balance scale, and CASP-19.
Results: The result of the study states that the group A and group B both are statistically significance in terms of spasticity, ankle dorsiflexion mobility, balance and quality of life expect for ankle plantar flexion mobility in group A.
Conclusion: Both the groups were equally effective in terms of spasticity, ankle mobility dorsiflexion, and plantar flexion, balance and quality of life except plantar flexion mobility in group A was not improved in elderly subjects with stroke.