Introduction: Early first aid assistance aims to “preserve life, alleviate suffering, prevent further illness or injury and promote recovery. Nursing staff happens to be the first contact for all the emergencies reaching the hospitals ranging from primary care to tertiary care. Present study aimed at assessing the basic knowledge of nursing students regarding first aid skills and subsequently the effect of structured teaching package on it.
Methodology: - We conducted a quasi experimental cohort study in the month of December 2017 on nursing students of Sister Nivedita Government Nursing College Shimla, Himachal Pradesh. A self designed, structured, self administered questionnaire was used for data collection.
Results: - There were a total of 170 female nursing students included in our study. In the pretest, knowledge regarding first aid skills was found to be poor among majority of the participants, which increased significantly after the intervention (p value < 0.05).
Conclusion: - This study results highlight the need for sensitization of nursing students so that they can provide first aid spontaneously as and when required in the real life scenario Further assessment of knowledge of first-aid should be done periodically to know any gaps in the knowledge and measure should be taken to fulfill that.