The associations between organizational justice and various work outcomes are well established in western literature and within the corporate sector but very few studies have examined the relationship of justice perceptions with work attitude and work behaviour in the educational setting, especially among teaching faculty at the undergraduate/post graduate level. This study explored the relationship and examined the influence of perception of organisational justice on organizational citizenship behaviour among faculty teaching in colleges at the undergraduate level in Mumbai metropolitan.
Organizational justice was measured using a 20-item instrument designed and developed by Colquitt (2001). Williams’(1988) Organizational Citizenship Behaviour-Organization scale was used to collect data for organizational citizenship behavior. The target population for this study were the faculty teaching in colleges at the undergraduate level in Mumbai metropolitan city. The data was analysed using SPSS. The findings revealed a positive association between organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior and further endorsed the fact that organizational justice can be an antecedent toorganizational citizenship behaviour. The results lend support to the notion that one can predict organizational citizenship behavior by investigating perceptions of organizational justice.