The use of organic sources enhances the absorption and release of macro as well as micronutrients and thus ensure their availability to the plant throughout its growing season. Through bio-fertilizers, fertilizer application can be reduced by 50%. In the present study, the biochemical parameters of Abelmoschusesculentus (L.) Moench and Amaranthustricolor L. was estimated and on the 30th and 60th day, the chlorophyll contents were found to be maximum in T4. On the 45th day, chlorophyll b was higher in T2 in Abelmoschus. In amaranth, the biochemical parameters were tested on the 30th and 45th day. On the 30th day, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b was more in T1 and total chlorophyll was higher in T2. But, on the 45th day, combination of fertilizers showed better chlorophyll contents. In lady’s finger, the protein content was maximum in plants treated with Phosphobacteria on all the days tested. Carbohydrate content was observed to be maximum in plants treated with Azospirillum. In amaranth, the protein content was higher in T2 on 30th day and T4 on 45th day. The carbohydrate content was observed to be maximum on both the days in plants treated with Azospirillum, VAM and Phosphobacteria.