Aims: To assess the effect of McKenzie exercise on pain, range of motion and disability in patients with adhesive capsulitis.
Objectives: To diagnose adhesive capsulitis using stage classification, to assess pain using visual analogue scale, to assess range of motion using universal goniometer, to assess disability using shoulder pain and disability index.
Background: Adhesive capsulitis is also known as frozen shoulder is common condition which involves pain in the glenohumeral joint followed by loss of motion. Adhesive capsulitis is classified as primary and secondary. The McKenzie method of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy is well known and commonly applied in the management of spinal disorders by Robin McKenzie.
Results and Conclusion: Data was collected and analyzed. Parametric and non-parametric test were used according to normality test. Statistically significant was seen in range of motion flexion, external rotation, internal rotation was seen. VAS and SPADI were equally significant. P value <0.05. This study concludes that McKenzie exercise along with convention exercise is effective in increasing range of motion and reducing disability compared to control group. McKenzie exercise with conventional exercise and conventional exercise are both effective to reduce pain.