Environmental pollution by toxic metal has accelerated dramatically since the beginning of the industrial revolution. The primary source of this pollution include the burning of fossils, mining and smelting of metaliferous ores, municipal waste, fertilizers, pesticide and sewage. Toxic metal contamination of ground water and soil, which poses major environmental and human health problems, is currently in need of an effective and affordable technological solution. An experiment was conducted in Til (Sesamum orientale L.) in order to find out the effect of Cr+6 toxicity on its germination, growth and biochemical parameters. The seeds were germinated in six different concentrations of Potassium dichromate solution ranging from 0-50 mg/l of hexavalent chromium. It was noted that the Seedling vigour index, Metal tolerance index were found to be reduced and the percentage of phytotoxicity was increased while biochemical parameters showed a declining trend with increasing Cr+6 concentrations. The seedlings treated with chromium complexes exhibited decrease in chlorophyll and soluble protein content with the increase in chromium level whereas an increase in proline content was observed as compared to control.