Aim: To study the efficacy of aquatic CKC exercises on knee disability and quadriceps strength in obese individuals.
Background: Obesity affects knee joint function as most weight bearing is rendered on knee during weight bearing exercises causing knee disability and weak quadriceps. This limits exercise prescription for knee disability in obese. Very little data is found to be published on CKC exercises for knee disability in obese.
Methodology: This was an experimental pre/post study. 30 obese individuals with Grade 1 obesity between 40-50 years were evaluated. Knee Disability and Quadriceps Strength were assessed by KOOS Scale and pressure bio-feedback respectively at start and end of program (6 weeks). The exercise program included CKC exercises which was continued for 6 weeks, thrice each week. The data was analysed statistically using Paired t test.
Result: The results showed statistical difference in pre and post values of the KOOS scale and pressure biofeedback. At the end of week, the post KOOS score reduced for knee disability and increased strength for quadriceps muscle was noted in pressure bio-feedback.
Conclusion: The above study concludes that aquatic CKC exercises are effective to reduce knee disability and improve quadriceps strength in obese.