The toxicity of Aluminium chloride was investigated with emphasis on histopathological effects of fingerlings of Labeo rohita. The fishes were exposed Aluminium chloride solution at 24, 48, 72 and 96 hrs of intervals. The lethal concentration (LC50) value of Aluminium chloride was 33ppm for 96 hr of exposure. Exposure of Aluminium chloride: Fishes were grouped into control and experimental which were exposed to sub lethal concentration of Aluminium chloride (3.3 ppm), over a period of 96 hr. Histopathology of the organ gills after 96 hr exposure revealed cell proliferation, lamellar fusion, lamellar cell hyperplasia, and epithelial lifting. The changes in these gill tissues occur predominantly in the 96 hr exposure. Which varied with the concentration of the toxicant. Aluminium chloride is highly toxic to Labeo rohita., therefore its high concentration of Aluminium chloride in areas close to aquatic bodies should not be encouraged.