As we investigate the pedagogical thought of St. Augustine we must also ask ourselves about his idea of the human person, which has been formed from his experience of Conversion. The concept of wisdom enriched by this experience serves to elaborate an integral proposal of education. The ultimate goal of this article is to show how the concepts proposed by the bishop of Hippo can serve to implement a teaching model that promotes and harmonizes knowledge with happiness and values. We used the hermeneutic method and the documental analysis for the development of this article. The analysis is based on the following works of St. Augustine: Confessions, in which he tells the story of his conversion, De Beata Vita, in which he establishes the goal of all human life, which is happiness, De Magistro, in which he presents the Augustinian teaching method, and De CatechizandisRudibus, in which he applies this method to a particular case, that is, catechesis for beginners. We used the hermeneutical method and documental analysis to develop this article. The present work is organized in following parts: lack of integration between science, values and citizenship; concept of wisdom in St. Augustine; application of the concept of wisdom to education, and finally, elements of teaching profile that gathers some of the contributions of the Bishop of Hippo.