Most vegetables are perishable in nature, and in that post harvest losses and distribution channel plays a vital role in price fixation of vegetables. A substantial quantity of production is subjected to post harvest losses at various stages of its marketing. The quantum of loss is governed by factors like perishable nature, method of harvesting and packaging & transportation etc. The study has examined the nature and extent of post-harvest losses in vegetable supply chain in the Allahabad district of Uttar Pradesh. Multi-purpose random sampling has been used for selection of vegetable growers. The post-harvest losses in vegetables at producers’ level and at other levels
of the channels were estimated under two heads viz. physical losses and
economic losses. It has been found that farmers suffer a physical loss of 8.92 percent which vary from farm to farm. Farm-wise distribution of physical losses reveal that a marginal farmer lost 10.24 percent of his output which was maximum among the considered farm size groups while a large farmer lost 8.26 percent which was minimum. Thus it can be concluded that larger is the farms size larger will be the output and lower will be the proportion of loss.