Objective A detailed study was done toknow about the occurence of mildanaemia and its relation with stool examination for hookworm ova in patients with early stage of hookworm infection found while doing upper gastro intestinal endoscopy
Methods A study of 1259 patients who had undergone upper gastro-intestinal endoscopy for a period of 5 years from May 2009 to April 2014 was carried out. In all the patients found to have hookwormsin doneto, investigations were doneto know about the occurrence of various grades of anaemia. In all the patients with severe anaemia, stool examination was done for hookwormova. But in one patient with mild anaemia [haemoglobin 10to12g/dl or g%], stool examination was also done for hookworm ova to know about the occurence of mild anaemia and its relation with stool examination for hookworm ova in patients with early stage of hookworm infection. In the other patients with mild anaemias tool examination couldnot be done.The results were found as given below.
Results Outof these1259 patients, 14 patients found to have hookworms in duodenum while doing upper gastro-intestinal endoscopy were taken into consideration for our study. Outof these14 patients, 2 patients had severe anaemia and 6 patients had mild anaemia. In all the patients with severe anaemia, stool examination was negative for hookworm ova. Butstool was also hookworm ova in one patient with mild anaemia [haemoglobin 10to12g/dl or g%]. In the other patients with mild anaemias tool examination couldnot gastro intestinalendoscopy done
Conclusion Thus upper gastro intestinalendos copy should be doneto confirm the presence of hookworms even when there is mild anaemia intropical countries since stool examination can be negative for hookworm ova in this early stage of hookworm infection with mild anaemia.