Use of industrial bi-product and treated domestic wastewater is a cost effective and protect environment solution. Present investigation deals with the feasibility of use of sludge from sand beneficiation treatment plant and treated domestic wastewater (TDWW) in the production of bricks. The experimental results show that the 40 % of brick earth can be replaced with sludge to making conventional purpose bricks. At 5% replacement of earth, the quality of bricks is superior to the bricks made with earth. Mixing waters in bricks i,e,. Potable water (PW) and treated domestic wastewater (TDWW) performed in same manner. Bricks, at 5% replacement of earth, 90 days cured in 4% sulfuric acid solution, loss in compressive strength was 3% less than reference bricks. Hence, bricks with 5% sludge and TDWW may be used in superior quality construction work.