Background and Purpose: there are several physical and psychological changes that occur with normal aging e.g. muscle weakness, balance disorder and disturbances in sleep. Aging starts early in the 30’s leading to various musculoskeletal disorders.
So the purpose of our study is to prevent elders from these effects of aging by doing pilates, Swissball exercises in middle age group.
Design: Comparative Experimental Study Design
Participants: N= 40; Age range= 30-60 yr: 20 in Group A, 20 in Group B
Intervention: Pilates exercise (floor mat) in Group A, exercise given on Swissball in Group B.
Main Outcome Measures: balance was assessed by Four Square Step Test, sleep quality was assessed by Pitts Burgh Sleep Quality Index and strength was assessed by Back Leg Chest Dynamometer
Result: there was significant increase in balance and strength in the Pilates group and significant increase in sleep quality, balance and strength in Swissball exercise group. But when two groups were compared there was no significant difference.
Conclusion: this study has shown that in healthy middle aged individuals both exercises shows significant improvement in the sleep quality, balance, strength in both groups but none of the group showed superior benefits.