Objectives: The aim of the study is to analyze and evaluate knowledge and assess the awareness, importance of documentation and maintance of dental records. Material and Method : A cross section study was conducted among 200 dental practitioners in salem district and data was collected by means of a questionnaire.
Results: From the collected data from clinical experience of the dental practitioners were about 79%
practioners 5 years and above, of the remaining 12 % less than 5 years. Only 49% of dental practitioners always maintain dental records, 45 % of dental practitioners they used store data only selected cases and only 5 % of dental practitioners nerver store or maintained data. Many of dental practitioners mode of storing the records of hard copy 60% and soft copy 32 %. awareness of the forensic investigation shows 79% they were aware of the forensic programme , certificate courses and investigations.
Conclusion: our study revealed adequate knowledge, attitude, practice among salem district More awareness is required among the practitioners regarding proper record maintenance. To enrich knowledge about forensic odontology.