Aim: To examine a rural population to identify the DMFT index
Objective: DMFT index is a quantitative expression of a person's lifetime caries experience in the permanent teeth.
Background: Rural areas have poorer health in general and lower life expectancy compared with urban residents. The dental health awareness is very low amongst the rural area population.Improvement of oral health improves the knowledge and the way the individuals use health services efficiently.
Methodology: All the people conducted in the study were between the ages of 10-60 years and were selected at random which gave a sample size of 100 participants. The data regarding dental caries experience was recorded using DMFT index for permanent dentition on a structured format.
Results: The mean DMFT of the entire population was 2.58
Conclusion: Based on the findings of the present study, it can be concluded that frequency of brushing teeth twice daily was reported to be very low which reveals awareness of oral hygiene measures and its importance on oral health.