A quadcopter is a Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) that has four rotors/propellers and these are employed to raise and push the vehicle. The fame of quadcopters is rising as the sensors and control schemes are fetching more move forwards and less pricey.Drones are able to be employed in agriculture industry to transform agricultural exercises. Learning the whole plan process of a quadcopter allows one to devise its individual drone, not presently a quadcopter, and constructing best suited to its purpose. This opens up the span for new findings and advancements. For the over stated cause it is significant to study the aim of a quadcopter initial from the physics behind its procedure, the control systems, the electronic components concerned and their procedures and purposes, the micro-controller and its code. This plan is purposeful on the mean of the quadcopter chassis, preparing the active model and equations of motion and has a report about assortment of the mechanisms and how the reviewing of farms is accomplished. The flight of the quadcopter is mechanized with stipulated path to envelop a convinced region of a farm. A camera is ascending along with the quadcopter which is concurrent with on-station devices like laptop/mobile and the video is transferred in real time.