Natural antimicrobials are used to inhibit the growth of bacteria. It is a known fact that the Curcuma longa (yellow Turmeric) has a good antibacterial activity which is the main ability to cure acne in the face and it is used to cure acne right of the ancient days since then many numbers of medications have evolved. But those medications have the risk of Side effects, wrinkles, ageing of face. This paper explains about fabric face mask which has the antibacterial property to clear acne in face. Curcuma caesia (black turmeric) used here has the same ability as Curcuma longa (yellow turmeric) to cure acne on the face. Curcuma caesia (Black Turmeric) is taken instead of Curcuma longa (turmeric) since it has a high amount of Curcumin content compared to Curcuma longa (yellow turmeric). The Curcuma caesia extract is applied on the Woven fabric, knitted fabric and Nonwoven fabric. Their properties were compared in terms of a various test in terms of their ability to restrict the growth of the bacteria and the fabric which is more effective in preventing the antimicrobial activity is selected for the acne preventing face mask. The face mask developed will be user friendly and eco-friendly and saves consumers’ time.