Background: NAFLD is considered the most common cause of chronic liver disease worldwide. In the general US population, the prevalence of NAFLD is estimated to be approximately 30%, but much higher estimates are reported in selected high-risk populations, such as Hispanics, obese persons, and patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) or with metabolic syndrome. The purpose of this study to correlate the biochemical, radiological & histological changes in non alcoholic fatty liver disease patients compare with obese and diabetic patients.
Material & Methods: 41 cases out of which 25 were male and 16 females recruit for this study. In this study biochemical, radiological and histological parameters were determined.
Statistical Analysis: Comparison of radiological grade of fatty liver and biochemical parameters we used Pearson Chi square test.
Results: All the biochemical parameters were increased. When the radiological grade was compared with the biochemical findings (FBS, TG and SGPT) individually through Pearson’s formula the p value (>0.05) thus found were not statistically significant for any of the biochemical tests. We found statistically significant correlation between radiological grading of fatty liver and histological steatosis.
Conclusion: In this study we concluded that Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), radiological, biochemical and histological findings give a good correlation and are equally helpful in assessing the severity of NAFLDS.