Objective: Surgical site infection is one of the common problems encountered in surgical
patients despite advances in antisepsis and asepsis. The aim of the study is
to determine the association between anemia and occurrence of surgical site
infection in a tertiary hospital in Jammu and Kashmir, India.
Method: The study was carried between Nov 2009 to October 2010. Data was collected
from the patient admitted in surgery .All patients were followed up for 30
days for development of surgical site infection. Infected cases were
identified on the basis of NNIS guidelines.
Results: Out of 700 patients, 122 (17.42%) patients were found to be clinically
infected (17.42%). Among 122 patients who got infected, 46 patients (37.7%) had anemia.12(26.08%) patients had preoperative anemia and were
build up before surgery and 34 (73.91%) patients had post operative anemia.
2 cases (4.34%) had severe anemia. 27 (59%) cases had moderate anemia, 17
(36.66%) cases had mild anemia.
Conclusion: In summary, this study suggested that anaemia (Hb < 12 g/dL) was associated with an increased risk of incisional SSI after elective surgery, and
correcting preoperative anaemia before surgery should be considered.
Prospective high-quality studies were needed to confirm our findings in the