Aim: To assay cytotoxic activity of walnut oil on oral cancer cell line
Objective: This study is to analyse the cytotoxicity of walnut oil on oral cancer cell line by DNA fragmentation.The cytotoxicity of walnut oil on oral cancer cell line is to be studied.
Background: Walnut is unique because they have a perfect balance of n-6 and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. The increasing market demand of walnut lipids results in the large amount of the oil extraction residue. The walnut residue is rich in nutritional proteins, and the uneconomic use of the by-product discouraged the development of walnut industry. Anticancer peptides have recently received attention as alternative chemotherapeutic agents that overcome the limits of current drugs.
Reasons: Oral cancer as become very prevalent nowadays.This research was done to experiment if walnut oil can kill oral cancer cell line.