Viruses are the microorganisms responsible for different types of severe diseases in human beings and other animals. During the last decades the transmissions of these microorganisms from animals to the human beings have been identified as a cause of large scale disease outbreak, such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle east Respiratory syndrome etc cause worldwide pandemic that claimed thousand of human lives, whereas SADS causes great damage in Swin industry in 2017. All these have a common characteristic as they are highly pathogenic to human and Livestock. But in December 2019 a new strain of Coronavirus originated in Wuhan City of China, within a short period engulfed the whole world and leads to the death of lakhs of people and millions of infection worldwide leading to the complete lockdown of the world. The purpose of this review article is to summarize the current knowledge of COVID-19 and geographical distribution and present status of this highly contiguous disease potential.