Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by novel virus Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Various modes of spread of this disease include respiratory droplets, physical contact, and contact with surface and fomites. Worldwide efforts are made to mitigate spread of COVID-19 disease and reduce morbidity and mortality from severe acute respiratory syndrome Corona virus 2. Entire world is thriving amid COVID-19 and the commonest question in everyone’s mind is “COVID-19 pandemic could have been avoided?” And secondly “has the World health organization (WHO) leadership failed?” A pandemic needs to be contained globally, including in the poor countries that depend on the WHO. The WHO is the only global organization whose budget and infrastructure are suitable for this. WHO can no more shirk responsibility and therefore it needs to be restructured, and should be led by health professionals.. The main purpose of a PHEIC declaration is to intervene timely based on proof and liquidate funding as well as control disease impact by enforcing preventive measures of emerging and re-emerging disease risks. After COVID-19 pandemic, IHR reform must be done at the earliest to make reactions to novel infections rapid and effective.