Purpose: Cancer is a major public health problem worldwide. Prostate carcinoma is the most common form of cancer in elderly male and is the second leading cause of cancer deaths. Prostate volume (PV) varies throughout man’s lifetime, and in the course of different prostatic diseases, including benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The prostate volume strongly predicts BPH-related outcomes, such as symptom progression, acute urinary retention (AUR), and the need for BPH-related surgery. The serum PSA increases with age. The relationship between age-related increases in prostate volume and serum PSA has been studied, mostly in efforts to increase the usefulness of PSA level in screening for prostate cancer.
Material and Methods: The present study was performed on 100 patients in the age group of 40- 80 years. Transrectal ultrasonography was performed using a 7.5 MHz transrectal probe. Prostate volume and transitional zone volume (TZV) were calculated with the help of inbuilt software, by measuring 3 dimensions of prostate in transverse and longitudinal sections. PSA estimation was done with 2ml of blood sample by tPSA Elisa method. The kit used for this method was of CALBIO TECH.
Results: It was seen that in the lower age group the prostate size was smaller, while in the higher age group it was higher (p>0.001). Mean prostate size was found to be 20.92+_2.57 gm which was in 40-49 years age group. This shows a significant difference in mean size of prostate in different age groups. Mean serum PSA levels 0.19-5.93 ng/ml. The mean value was found to be minimum in age group 40-49 years. Total of 11 patients had serum PSA level above 4 ng/ml.