Aim - To assess the usage of conscious sedation by pediatric dentists and postgraduates
Materials and Methods-A pretested interviewer administered questionnaire was framed regarding the suggestion of drug, its usage, preferred route of administration and common complications encountered and it was circulated among 125 pediatric dentists and postgraduates in private dental colleges.
Result-Various agents were used among which nitrous oxide being more common (62%), followed by midazolam (26%), sevofluorane (6%) and isofluorane(6%). Inhalational route of administration was used predominantlyused (82%). Common side effects encountered include nausea (40%), vomiting (40%), drowsiness (12%) etc.
Conclusion-Pharmacological agents may be used as a complement to behavioral techniques to assist in the management of anxiety in some pediatric dental patientsso that they can maintain their oral hygiene in a good and proper manner.