Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) can be deployed in different applications like Medical analysis, Climate change observation, Military support applications, mechanical stress in bridges and building etc., more energy efficient WSN is required for seamless performance of such tasks. Here we’ll discuss WSN, Routing Protocols and Routing models which would help us to understand the various methodologies available in WSN especially the Hierarchical Routing Protocols that are designed for energy efficient WSN. Also we will discuss about basic LEACH, various phases to implement basic LEACH, its drawbacks. Additionally, this paper will propose a new version of LEACH protocol named as ICH-LEACH with a change in implementation, which would show that its better than the basic LEACH or previously researched MODLEACH as the number of dead nodes will becomes less and the energy of each node participating in clustering increases significantly. The formula basically changes Cluster Head (CH) selection probability in Hierarchical Routing Protocols in the LEACH Protocol. Thus better than previously researched output. Later the formulae of basic and improved ICH-LEACH are compared and effectiveness is shown with the help of Result and conclusion.