Objective: The aim of this study was to compare sealing ability of the MTA angelus, Biodentine and RMGIC when used to repair the furcal perforations in permanent molars using stereomicroscope.
Material And Method: 30 extracted permanent molars were selected. Access cavities were made using a #5 round bur. Perforations were made in the centre of the floor of the pulp chamber using a round bur. The teeth were randomly assigned into 1 control and 3 experimental groups based on a material used to seal perforations. Group 1- control group, Group 2-MTA Angelus, Group 3-Biodentine, Group 4-RMGIC.The packed materials were allowed to set for 24 hour in the incubator. The samples were sectioned longitudinally and linear dye penetration was measured from apical end of the perforation to the pulp chamber floor using stereomicroscope. kruskal-wallis test was used for statistical analysis using SPSS software.
Results: The difference in the mean length of dye penetration between groups was statistically significant. The pair wise comparison was done between the groups using Mann-Whitney U test as post hoc analysis, which reveals the difference between Group 1 and all other group was statistically significant (p≤0.05) and also Group 2 and Group 3 at (p≤0.05).However, statistically highly significant difference was seen between Group 3 and Group 4
Conclusion: All materials showed micro leakage when assesed under microscope however the least microleakage was seen in case of biodentine which is statistically significant