Aim of this is to evaluate salivary neutrophils and compare its count in smokers and non smokers chronic gingivitis attending the department of periodontics in saveetha dental college. Early studies revealed that saliva from patients with periodontitis contained a greater number of leukocytes than saliva from healthy patients. The rate at which neutrophils migrate through the gingival sulcus into the oral cavity [i.e. the orogranulocytic migratory rate (OMR)] is increased in the presence of gingival inflammation.The OMR also correlates with increased pocket depth and the gingival index. Studies were conducted using neutrophil quantification to assess gingival/periodontal disease activity and effectiveness of therapy.Cigarette smoking influences gingival/periodontal disease through systemic influences like decreased phagocytosis by both oral and peripheral neutrophils and reduced antibody production. Other effects include vasoconstriction caused by nicotine as well as decreased oxygen tension, which may create a favorable sub-gingival environment for colonization by anaerobic bacteria. Smokers tend to have greater numbers of deeper periodontal pockets and greater probing pocket depth (PPD). This analyses primarily evaluates the salivary neutrophils with the presence of chronic gingivitis in smokers as well as non smokers.