The output voltage generated by the sources such as photovoltaic arrays, the fuel stacks, the super capacitors or the battery sources are very low, in the range of 12-48 V. Hence it must be boosted to a high voltage. Therefore a novel topology for a boost converter, which can achieve a higher voltage gain, is necessary. The proposed converter is derived from a two-phase interleaved boost converter. The advantages of interleaved boost converter compared to conventional topologies include high voltage gain, high efficiency, low input current ripple and better transient responses. Even though high voltage gain can be obtained, the closed loop control of transformer-less boost converter with PI controller results in reduction of the system responses and causes damage to the components used in the system. So, in order to overcome these drawbacks a quadrupler voltage boost converter with Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC) is presented. Here simulation models of transformer-less interleaved boost converter with PI controller and Fuzzy Logic Controller in MATLAB was developed. The analytical model for the switching intervals has been validated with the simulation results using MATLAB simulation tool.