The experiment was carried out at the experiment farm of ICAR, Nagaland Centre, Medziphema during 2015-16 and 2016-17 with the objectives to study the yield potential of rice and maize based cropping system under organic nutrient management. The experiment was laid out in SPD with three replications. The main plot treatment consisted of four combinations of two cropping systems (C), viz.,rice-greengram and maize-greengram and two organic nitrogen management (N)., viz., 75 % RD through vermicompost and 100 % RD through vermicompost and the sub-plot treatment consisted of two organic phosphorus management practices (P)., viz., 75 % RD through vermicompost and 100 % RD through vermicompost in greengram. Inglongkiri (upland rice), RCM-76 (maize) and Pratap (greengram).The study revealed that application of 100 % N through vermicompost showed significant effect on yield and yield attributes both in rice and maize. The effect of the main plot factor also showed significant carry over effect on the following greengram crop. It was observed that the sub plot factor showed significant effect with the application of 100 % P as compared with the application of 75 % P in greengram. The system economic analysis revealed that maize-greengram system with the application of 100% N and 75% P resulted in the highest economic returns with a B:C ratio of 1.12 as compared with the rice-greengram system with the same treatment.