Two species of Azolla (A.pinnata and A.filiculoides) were selected to grow in different concentrations of phosphorus in two different seasons in tropical plains of the district of Burdwan, West Bengal to compare its productivity. Phosphorus in different concentrations was used uniformly for both the seasons. By absorbing phosphorus, fresh Azolla bio-mass was collected, which has been shown in this context. A correlation coefficient calculation amongst two consecutive seasons were done following Panse and Sukhatme (2005). It had a remarkable difference between two different seasons allowing them different light intensities. The total biomass weight and size of the plant materials were increased due to all those factors and it was observed better in the summer months than the winter months. Difference in optimum concentrations of media-P was noted in case of both the species in two different seasons. All meteorological informations were noted properly.
The main aims and objectives were to establish the research results which may help the poor farmer by utilizing this species for their crop field in easy way. Indeed, our moto is to propagate these activities in a mega scale practice for developing a green world.