Besides teaching, an important part in professional workplaces is to participate in various areas of school administration. School teachers’participation, from all sectors of this field of teaching, in the school administration makes teachersto gain a lot of professional experiences, reinforce the teacher and increases self-confidence in job, job efficiency,commitment towards job, job efficiency and job efficiency. The researchers chose this current study of teachers' participation in school administration in relation to nature of school, teaching experience and their teaching subjects. The researchers took “simple random sampling” as the sampling technique for collecting data from 100 teachers, including males and females, of secondary schools. The researchers used “Teacher’s Participation in School Administration Scale” for the tool of data collection. This scale was developed by HaseenTaj (2000). The researchers chose 8 secondary level schools ofBilha and Kota Blocks of Bilaspur district in Chhattisgarh. The researchers collected the data andanalysed by using statistical techniques by using mean, SD, SED and t-test. The study focused to reveal that there is significant differences in some dimensions of teacher’s participation like communicating, evaluating or controlling among government and private secondary school teachers in their participation in school administration but in some the dimensions like planning and organizing the researchers found no differences.